Friday, December 24, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Don't Be That Guy

This weekend was my company's holiday party. It was a dressy affair, held at a country club I'd only driven past, but never glimpsed on the inside. Needless to say, there was snazziness all around!

Dr. Light and I looked pretty sharp. I borrowed a dress from my sister, who insisted that I should not purchase a fancy dress this year since I was buying my wedding dress. Smart thinking, sis! The dress got rave reviews and was pretty easy to dance in!

Required photo proof of hotness:

Sorry the pic is so orange - it was taken in a dark room on my no-flash iphone. But you get the general idea.

This post, however, has less to do with the dress and more to do with what you don't see on the back of the dress. Wings.


Friday, December 17, 2010


If you've been reading the blog, you know that I'm pondering wearing a comfy pair of Danskos or Sanitas to the reception, simply because I don't know if I could survive the night in my heels. What that means, however, is picking a pair of socks!

Back in college I had several pairs of clogs that I wore sockless all the time. After a while, though, I got to the point where I felt bad putting them on because they smelled so bad after I took them off! So from then on out, my clogs got socks.

So here's a truth: I love fun socks. Especially socks with cows on them. My favorite pair of socks is cow print with a furry band around the top of them. They're so awful. I LOVE THEM. I love that they clash with all the shoes I own and that people mostly have NO IDEA what's lurking under my jeans.

So I think I should have a special pair of socks for the wedding. There are a lot of great sites out there that sell fun socks such as Sock Dreams and Joy of Socks.

But how to decide?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sharing Skills

Being sick is always frustrating. I've got the same runny nose/sneezing/achey issue I had just last month, and I want to shake my fist at the world and say, "Enough's enough, already!" However, being sick has given me a reason to think about this post.

Before I got into this relationship with Dr. Light, I always knew that a marriage was a partnership. As in, you split the bills, help each other when needed, and give each other emotional support. But it wasn't until recently that I began to see it as much more, as a sharing of skills.

Dr. Light is a pharmacist in a hospital ICU, meaning instead of just dispensing drugs to the public, he goes on rounds with doctors and recommends changes to medication, helps administer drugs during codes (when someone's heart fails or something), and keeps an eye on charts to make sure that no drug overlaps are occurring. He works with different medications every day, meaning he's got a much broader range of commonly-talked-about drugs than most doctors do.


Needless to say, it's pretty neat.

What I hadn't expected, however, was the way he is so happy to help out my friends and family with drug questions. A few months ago he recommended my sister ask her doctor about a certain drug when she had a toothache that just wouldn't quit. So she did, and you know what? Instead of having a root canal, her mouth got better!!

Just now, he and I chatted about the difference between Sudafed and the off-brand I had to pick up at the convenience store under my work, and he made me feel better about what I had chosen.

Other friends of mind have texted and called him before to make sure that they can drink while taking a certain medication or see if it reacts badly.

Why is this all relevant? Because his willingness to share himself and his knowledge has helped bring him closer to my friends and family. It's not that they're using him for his knowledge - it's more the attitude he has that he will help out whenever he can. It's helped my friends and family get to know him better and trust that he's someone who is good for their friend/daughter/relative.

I really hope that some time I can bring the same kind of benefit into HIS circle, be it through my library school education, my sewing knowledge, or some other facet of the Lilac world that I don't know could be helpful.

It's so great to see how we affect each other's worlds just beyond the immediate partner. Have you discovered something while being engaged or in a long term relationship that surprised you in a positive way?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Under the...City.

Aside from making costumes in my spare time, I have another admission.

My name is Lilac, and I love World of Warcraft.

Meet Scholastica, my Blood Elf Death Knight. She's a tank, so she goes running into the melee, taking damage and basically being a big beefcake.


Whew, ok, it's out now.

I know it's pretty rare to meet girl gamers who play WoW (though I know of plenty!), and when I met Dr. Light, I introduced him to the game. He was a bit skeptical at first. After all, who doesn't hear the "WoW widow" jokes and somewhat subscribe to the belief that a lot of online gamers are 14-year-old unwashed boys who live in their parents' basements?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Got the call!

Normally I don't answer my cell phone at work since I get crappy reception, but when it rang today with the number of my dress shop, I had to answer.

The dress in two months early.

Needless to say, I had to wander down the hall to a coworker's office and have her jump up and down with me. And then I couldn't work for about ten minutes.

The appointment to go see it is on Saturday. It will be a first fitting. I can hardly wait!

Did hearing your dress was in at the shop interrupt your day in a good way? Because it certainly did mine!

Friday, December 3, 2010

History: How We Met

Many moons ago in August of 2009, I had recently reconnected with a friend from library school. We had gotten to be buds on Facebook, and then ended up chatting one day over gchat. I'd just broken up with a casual boyfriend - i.e., someone I liked but realized was never going to be the one - so I was ready to hit the dating scene once again.

Apparently, my friend had shown Dr. Light some of my cosplay photos in the weeks prior to this moment, then had sadly informed him that I was dating. As soon as she learned I was single, she struck! She told me about a tall, dark, & handsome pharmacist who liked hiking 14-ers, music, and thought I was cute.

Well, I wasn't about to turn down a first date with someone who fancied me! I told her to go ahead and give him my e-mail address and I'd keep an eye out for him.

This is when the Internet struck.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Posing for Photos Tutorial - Part 3

Many magazines show models and stars in very dramatic positions regarding their faces. We're all used to seeing shots with a famous person whose face is pointed downward while their eyes stare into the camera. It's so striking! However, when we try that same pose at home, many times our chins completely disappear. Or we look like we have a bunch of chins.

There are a few differences between model/actor shoots and ours.

-Professional lighting equipment. The equipment helps keep weird shadows from models' faces or under their chins, so they have a lot more flexibility in terms of poses.
-Photoshop. Unsightly neck wrinkles can be swooped away in a manner of moments. Since most of us don't have a lot of experience in Photoshop, we have to work with what we've got and make sure our photos look good from the get-go.

My advice for you regarding this sometimes frustrating body part:

Keep your chin level to the camera or ground.